H3K27(Me2) (15-34)

Purity: 95%

Molar Mass: 2008.3

Chemical Formula: C86H154N30O25

* Please kindly note that our products are not to be used for therapeutic purposes and cannot be sold to patients.

Product Name: H3K27(Me2) (15-34)

Purity: 95%

Molar Mass: 2008.3

Chemical Formula: C86H154N30O25

Storage: Store at -20℃


Application: H3K27(Me2) (15-34) is a synthetic peptide corresponding to amino acids 15-34 of histone H3, dimethylated at the lysine 27 (K27) residue. This specific post-translational modification is critical in the regulation of gene expression by promoting the formation of repressive chromatin structures. Dimethylation of H3K27 is facilitated by the Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 (PRC2) and is integral to maintaining gene silencing during development and differentiation. It is also implicated in the progression of various cancers. The H3K27(Me2) (15-34) peptide serves as an essential tool in epigenetic research, aiding in the study of chromatin dynamics, gene regulation, and the exploration of targeted epigenetic therapies.

Reference: Chen, S., Yang, Z., Wilkinson, A. W., Deshpande, A. J., Sidoli, S., Krajewski, K., … & Gozani, O. (2015). The PZP domain of AF10 senses unmodified H3K27 to regulate DOT1L-mediated methylation of H3K79. Molecular cell, 60(2), 319-327.