Z-VRPR-FMK trifluoroacetate salt

Purity: 95%

Molar Mass: 676.8

Chemical Formula: C31H49FN10O6.xCF3CO2H


* Please kindly note that our products are not to be used for therapeutic purposes and cannot be sold to patients.

Product Name: Z-VRPR-FMK trifluoroacetate salt

Purity: 95%

Molar Mass: 676.8

Chemical Formula: C31H49FN10O6.xCF3CO2H

Storage: Store at -20℃

Sequence: VRPR

Target: MALT1 inhibitor

Application: Z-VRPR-FMK trifluoroacetate salt is a synthetic peptide inhibitor designed to irreversibly bind to caspase-3, an important enzyme involved in apoptosis (programmed cell death). The “Z” prefix indicates the N-terminal benzyloxycarbonyl protecting group, which enhances cell permeability. By covalently binding to the active site of caspase-3, Z-VRPR-FMK trifluoroacetate salt inhibits its activity, thereby blocking the apoptotic process. This peptide is widely used in cell biology and pharmacological research to study apoptosis mechanisms, screen for potential therapeutic agents targeting caspase-3, and explore pathways involved in cell death regulation.

Reference: van de Plassche, M. A., O’Neill, T. J., Seeholzer, T., Turk, B., Krappmann, D., & Verhelst, S. H. (2020). Use of non-natural amino acids for the design and synthesis of a selective, cell-permeable MALT1 activity-based probe. Journal of medicinal chemistry, 63(8), 3996-4004.