
CAS No: 1628323-80-7

Purity: 95%

Molar Mass: 2442.03

Chemical Formula: C114H181N27O28S2

* Please kindly note that our products are not to be used for therapeutic purposes and cannot be sold to patients.

Product Name: Rusfertide

CAS No: 1628323-80-7

Purity: 95%

Molar Mass: 2442.03

Chemical Formula: C114H181N27O28S2

Synonyms: PTG-300FB

Storage: Store at -20℃

Application: Rusfertide (CAS: 1628323-80-7) is a promising peptide-based drug currently under investigation for its therapeutic potential in the treatment of anemia associated with chronic kidney disease (CKD). This novel compound functions by mimicking the action of erythropoietin (EPO), a hormone produced by the kidneys that regulates red blood cell production in the bone marrow. In individuals with CKD, impaired kidney function leads to reduced EPO production, resulting in anemia. Rusfertide acts as a synthetic peptide analog of EPO, stimulating the production of red blood cells and effectively addressing anemia in CKD patients. By targeting the same biological pathway as EPO, rusfertide offers a promising alternative to traditional EPO therapy, potentially reducing the need for frequent injections and improving patient outcomes. Clinical trials are currently underway to evaluate the safety, efficacy, and optimal dosing regimen of rusfertide in CKD patients, with the goal of providing a new treatment option for this common complication of kidney disease.

Reference: Modi, N. B., Shames, R., Lickliter, J. D., & Gupta, S. (2024). Pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and tolerability of an aqueous formulation of rusfertide (PTG‐300), a hepcidin mimetic, in healthy volunteers: A double‐blind first‐in‐human study. European Journal of Haematology.