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High Purity Peptides

Pharmaceutical Peptides Service

At Linkpeptide, we specialize in providing comprehensive pharmaceutical peptide services to support your drug development processes. With advanced technology and expertise in peptide chemistry, we offer services that ensure your peptide-based drugs achieve optimal efficacy, stability, and safety.

Pharmaceutical Peptide Services

Peptide Drug Discovery

Our peptide drug discovery service addresses key concerns such as immunogenicity, poor pharmacokinetics, lack of oral activity, and high manufacturing costs. Utilizing our proprietary technologies and expertise, we develop peptide drugs that are both effective and commercially viable.

Peptide Drug Bioconjugation

We offer custom bioconjugation strategies, allowing drugs to be combined at the C-terminus, N-terminus, or within the peptide sequence. This service is ideal for creating peptide-based conjugates, providing a fast and efficient solution for developing novel therapeutic agents.

Peptide Lead Optimization

Lead optimization is crucial in developing peptide drugs. Our service involves modifying lead peptides to improve their pharmacokinetic properties, ensuring better bioavailability and stability. This process is essential for transforming lead peptides into “drug-like” compounds that exhibit the desired pharmacological effects.

Neoantigen Peptides Vaccine Service

Neoantigens are tumor-specific peptides that are highly immunogenic and can serve as biomarkers for cancer. Our neoantigen peptide vaccine service includes the development of personalized vaccines that can differentiate cancer cells from normal cells, offering a targeted approach to cancer immunotherapy.

Formulation Development

Formulation development is vital for determining the optimal dosage form and manufacturing route for pharmaceutical products. We offer formulation design and optimization from early pre-clinical stages to Phase I and Phase II clinical trials. Our goal is to help you achieve the best formulation for your active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs).

Advantages of Our Services

High Biological Activity and Specificity: Our peptides exhibit high biological activity and specificity, ensuring minimal non-specific interactions and reduced drug interactions.

Low Toxicity: Peptides generally have low toxicity, making them safe for therapeutic use.

Short Development Time: Our services are designed to significantly shorten the development time of peptide drugs, accelerating their availability for clinical use.

Expertise and Technology: With cutting-edge technology and a team of experts, we provide high-quality services tailored to meet the specific needs of your research and development projects.

Free Shipping North America

On all orders above $300

Third-party Tested

For identity, purity, and concentration

International Warranty

Offered in the country of usage